From Homer's Odyssey. Brave Odysseus returned to Ithaca from the Trojan War. And saw Argos, his faithful dog, who was abandoned ,,,and Argos again seeing his master, whimpered and died. A tear came to heroic Odysseus' eye.
A house is never lonely where a loving pet waits
Having a pet will give you some of the happiest days ...and one of the saddest
A wagging tail can uplift any person's sagging spirit
The more people I meet, the more I like my pet
Our true and faithful companions have four legs
No one appreciates the genius of your conversation, as much as your pet does
Animals are such agreeable friends. They ask no questions and pass no judgements
Be the person your dog thinks you are
Home is where your dog runs to greet you
If there are no pets in heaven, I want to go where they went
I like pigs. Dogs look up to you. Cats look down at you. Pigs treat you s an equal.
You can judge the heart of a person by the way they treat animals
Pets do no care how you look, the size of your house, your job or how much money you have
Visit an animal shelter. Adopt a dog. Rescue a cat ...or make a donation. Help a friend. You will be glad you did.
What is the "biggest risk" in pet health insurance? It is the cancellation clause.
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